Funny Things

“American” Food in Germany

Settling into life in Germany naturally includes exploring and shopping in the local grocery store.  But as I’m already becoming a little homesick for American junk food, nothing catches my eye as quickly as the red, white, and blue of an American flag across the label of products on the shelf.   Finding “American” products in Germany has really reminded me that while Americans may not be the kings of cuisine, Americans have created several (in)famous products that reach across oceans and appeal to people around the world.  Such products include…

Pancake Mix



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Hamburger and Hot Dog Buns


Jalepeno Poppers (I was quite impressed with this find)




Sliced “Sandwich” Bread – which the Germans like to call toast even though it’s not yet toasted and they’ve already cut off the hideous end pieces that no one likes.  Why haven’t we thought of this yet?

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(Unbearably overpriced) Peanut Butter – but at least they have both types!


and of course…

“The Delicious American Marshmallow Spread” – AKA Marshmallow Fluff


If you search hard enough you can also find American brands you know and love…but don’t expect to pay the same prices!

Pringles – but instead of Pizza and Salt and Vinegar flavors you’ll find Onions and Cheese and Paprika


Miracle Whip!  But spelled “Miracel” to sound phonetically correct in German


Jack Link’s Beef Jerky – New on the shelves and in tiny little portions


Pepperidge Farm Cookies


Philadelphia Cream Cheese – and the Germans have done the ingenious by adding Milka chocolate


And Oreos – at the going rate of $3 for a 16 count…start crying now 😦


And most surprisingly…I found a whole array of “American” food I didn’t even know was American!  Including…

Hamburger Sauce – Not sure what it tastes like but I imagine they are attempting to imitate Big Mac special sauce or something.  You can find several differing brands of “hamburger sauce” all claiming to be the original.

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An “American” and “American Caesar” Salad Dressing – something I’ll have to try out

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“Amerikaner” (or American) Cookies – Basically a little tea cookie with chocolate and lemon frosting


American Style Popcorn which only comes sweet – basically kettle corn, which isn’t typical in America.  In fact, Germans only like their popcorn sweet and are usually appalled when you tell them that the only popcorn you’ll get in an American movie theater is buttered and salted.


Cookies with “Famous American Cranberries” – didn’t know they were so famous!  But it’s also a bit relieving that cranberries haven’t crept their way into every kind of juice on the shelf over here.


And every sort of sauce or variation of BBQ sauce you could want…Germans loooove condiments!

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But when German “American” food can’t satisfy the cravings…it’s time for a care package from home!  My first package cost my mom nearly $100 in shipping because it was so filled to the brim with lots of goodies!  Starbursts, tortillas, MilkDuds, canned Ranch Style beans, and Velveeta Mac and Cheese were only some of what was included.

Worst case scenario, you can order some of your favorites through several websites a friend pointed out to me that will ship right to Germany…but be prepared for the heart attack that comes when you see the prices!

Check one out here >>>

That’s right! For only $7 you get a bag of Fritos, a bottle of Hershey’s chocolate syrup is only $6, and the going rate for Aunt Jemima’s Pancake Syrup is $9.50.  But the most shocking is a 24-can case of Coors Light for a wopping $57!  Who knew it was such a coveted commodity?

For now, I’ll just enjoy exploring German cuisine, taste-test the “American” food they have to offer, and wait for the next care package!

10 German Toilet Seat Covers that Will Make You Ask “Why?”

Appropriately named a Baumarkt (literally “building market”) a German home-improvement store looks more like a warehouse, with shelves stacked high with anything you could want for your home or garden project.  Though not much different from a Lowe’s or a Home Depot, I have noticed one surprisingly distinct difference…an obvious, bizarre, hilarious difference.  Like any freedom-loving democratic people, Germans love choices and their toilet seat covers are no exception.

Have a look at some of my top favorites though my collection continues to grow!

  1.  Tree Frog in a Tuxedo
Nothing says "classy bathroom" like a tree frog in a tuxedo...he also walks on two legs

Nothing says “classy bathroom” like a tree frog in a tuxedo…he also walks on two legs


2.  The Dance of the Strawberries

Yes, those are strawberries being tossed about in elegantly dancing waters...a juxtaposition to what is actually about to be tossed in the water?


3.  The iPoo

At the going rate of 30 Euro (about $45) I hope it doesn't bend as easily as the new iPhone6

4. The Natural Laxative

This one actually kind of makes sense! Coffee beans + toilets = a match made in heaven!

5. The Lone Wolf      (Holographic edition)

Occasionally you happen upon the classic holographic toilet seat cover and boy is it a treat!

Because one angle of the Great Chief and his howling wolf isn't enough...

Angle 1


You can always walk to the other side of the toilet for a new angle... I really do wonder what the rest of the bathroom with a Native American theme would look like

Angle 2

6. Mike Tyson’s Tiger

Well if opening the bathroom door and being met by a tiger won't scare the crap out of you...I don't know what will! ( <-- See what I did there)

In case you wanted to reenact the Hangover’s “tiger in the bathroom” scene


7. Lonely Elephant Contemplating Life on a Bench


Because, why not?


8. Gang of Meerkats in Sunglasses

Hahaha! This one just made me laugh! There is so much going right in this toilet seat cover!

Actually part of a German infatuation with meerkats – something which will probably be addressed in a future blog post


9. The Hungry Caterpillar

This poor worm...happily chewing his way through an apple until he discovers what he's really been eating

This poor thing…happily chewing his way through an apple until he discovers what he’s really been eating


10.  Motivational Goldfish

Hopefully the goldfish is the only thing escaping the bowl...

I feel like there should be some motivation quote included…

But of course there are plenty more options that aren’t as totally weird but still apart of this strange trend that I don’t understand.

Penguins, ladybugs, and bamboo forests...oh my!

Penguins, ladybugs, and bamboo forests…oh my!

Beach scenes and London streets...lots and lots of London streets

Beach scenes and London streets…lots and lots of London streets

In conclusion…Germans may be teetering on the edge of brilliant interior design innovation or mind-blowing insanity.

I can’t wrap my mind around it.

Running anywhere between $40 and $ too can own an over-dramatic centerpiece for your bathroom!

Running anywhere between $40 and $75…you too can own an over-dramatic centerpiece for your bathroom!